
Healthcare Healthcare

  • DME

    Investment 360 holds partial and full interest in Durable Medical Equipment companies, creating a powerful network from manufacturing and distribution to sales and rentals across the US and other parts of North America. Using our proprietary software, we’ve made major inroads and created exclusive provider relationships with medical facilities and hospitals. Servicing 800,000 patients annually in 35 states, these companies empower patients to live their best lives- out of the hospital and in their homes.

  • Healthcare Staffing Services.

    Investment 360 is a leader in the efficient delivery of Healthcare staffing. Our companies employ over 2,500 skilled healthcare service providers, and service healthcare businesses across the east and west coasts. Our network of skilled staff across a broad array of disciplines allow us to coordinate our patient's care efficiently across the increasingly complex continuum of care.

  • Behavioral Health Services

    Currently in 6 states, our expanding portfolio represents a broad spectrum of care and therapy. Our centers, staffed by accomplished physicians and therapists, offer innovative treatments based on best practices and the latest thinking in drug rehabilitation and behavioral health science. By offering the finest quality services, Investment 360 is forging a path to successful outcomes and an outstanding recovery rate for patients.

  • Senior Housing and Long-Term Healthcare Facilities.

    We leverage our expertise and resources to invest in Senior living facilities across the country that demonstrate the highest quality of compassionate care.

  • Early Intervention and Remedial Therapy.

    In collaboration with families and schools, we work towards providing young children with the skill sets required to grow into productive young-adults. Early Intervention is one of the most satisfying sectors that we are actively invested in. Leveraging a large network of therapists enables swift market implementation capabilities for our cutting-edge technologies. Our companies also provide ABA and school remedial services.